6 Foods Senior Stroke Survivors Should Eat during Recovery

After having strokes, seniors may need nutritional intervention to prevent second strokes. They may also have new neurological deficits that have caused chewing and swallowing problems, which may limit the foods they can eat. Here are six foods senior stroke survivors should eat during recovery. 1. Mackerel Stroke survivors should eat foods that lower the…

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5 Changes Your Loved One Needs to Make Post-Stroke

Having a stroke is a major life-changing event, and people who have survived cerebral vascular accidents are at the highest risk for experiencing second strokes. Fortunately, regular checkups with their doctors and participation in the following lifestyle changes can help seniors recover more quickly and avoid having recurrent strokes. The following are five simple changes…

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5 Ideal At-Home Activities for Stroke Survivors

Great Activities Stroke Survivors Can Do at Home in Dallas, TX

After having strokes, many people experience the loss of physical and cognitive function. Although these losses are mostly caused by the neurological effects from the strokes, issues such as extreme fatigue and a deconditioned state may also contribute to loss of function. Here are five at-home activities that may restore function for stroke survivors.  1.…

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What At-Home Activities Are Ideal for Stroke Survivors?

Senior woman gardening on beautiful spring day

Recovery after a stroke can take months or even years. It’s a slow process that often involves dedication to physical, occupational, and, sometimes, speech therapy. Caregivers can also work with stroke survivors at home to increase mobility and range of motion, enhance neurological function, and prevent depression. Here are some good activities your senior loved…

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How Long Does Stroke Recovery Typically Take?

What’s a Time Period for Stroke Recovery in Dallas, TX

Every stroke survivor is a unique individual, which impacts what you can expect for your senior loved one’s recovery. For instance, medical professionals assess specific factors, such as where the stroke occurred in the brain, before giving estimates on stroke recovery for individual seniors. Naturally, you need to keep this in mind as you put…

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How to Provide Care for Your Parent After a Stroke

Providing Post-Stroke Care to Your Older Parent in Dallas, TX

Approximately 800,000 people in the U.S. have strokes each year. The development of symptoms and long-lasting effects vary depending on the region affected and the extent of the trauma. Family members often opt to care for an older loved one during recovery. The compassion, comfort, encouragement, and support of family caregivers play a major role…

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Benefits of In Home Care vs. Nursing Homes in Dallas, TX

Benefits of In-Home Care vs. Nursing Homes in Dallas, TX

As much as an elderly adult might try to resist, he or she may eventually need assistance. Sometimes the need is precipitated by an injury from a fall or accident. Sometimes the family notices diminishing abilities or receives the diagnosis of dementia. And sometimes, it’s just the noticeable process of aging as the years go…

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