A Mnemonic to Remember 8 Causes of Dementia that Can Be Reversed

Causes of Dementia that Can Be Reversed in Dallas, TX

Many people are under the misconception that dementia is incurable. The truth is dementia isn’t a single disease, and some of the condition’s causes are reversible. If your elderly loved one has developed dementia due to something treatable, such as dehydration, the condition could go away once he or she has been treated. Below are…

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7 Guidelines for Caring for a Parent with Dementia at Home

How to Care for a Parent with Dementia at Home in Dallas, TX

You don’t need professional training to provide at-home care for a loved one living with dementia. Instead, you need to remain committed and develop a suitable care plan. Below are some ways to provide high-quality at-home care for a senior parent with dementia. 1. Get Help Dementia is a progressive condition, and over time, the…

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Tips for Feeding an Aging Parent Living with Dementia

Ways to Feed an Aging Loved One Living with Dementia in Dallas, TX

Mealtimes can be difficult for family caregivers, especially if their aging loved ones are living with dementia. However, adding a few changes to the schedule and meals could make things a little easier. Here are some tips that can help family caregivers feed their loved ones with dementia. Limit Distractions Background noises can disrupt eating…

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6 Ways to Reduce the Risk of Dementia in Older Adults

Ways Aging Adults Can Reduce the Risk of Dementia in Dallas, TX

Cognitive impairment isn’t part of the normal aging process. Dementia occurs secondary to a variety of medical conditions and disorders. A study published in JAMA Internal Medicine suggests one-third or more of dementia disorders are preventable. There are many ways family members can help their older loved ones reduce the risk of developing dementia. 1.…

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Benefits of In Home Care vs. Nursing Homes in Dallas, TX

Benefits of In-Home Care vs. Nursing Homes in Dallas, TX

As much as an elderly adult might try to resist, he or she may eventually need assistance. Sometimes the need is precipitated by an injury from a fall or accident. Sometimes the family notices diminishing abilities or receives the diagnosis of dementia. And sometimes, it’s just the noticeable process of aging as the years go…

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How To Tell The Difference Between Delirium And Dementia

Son with older mother on the couch learning about home care options in Dallas, TX

Mental confusion and acute emotional distress can be symptoms of delirium and dementia, which would make it easy to confuse the two illnesses with each other. However, these are two distinctly different medical problems, and it’s critical for caregivers and community medical staff to understand their differences. Delirium commonly affects older patients and is often…

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Is Alcohol Use Associated with More Cognitive Issues?

Beer glasses on a white background in Dallas, TX

Despite becoming an established product in our society, drinking alcohol beyond moderation can lead to a number of health issues. In fact, a new study presented at the Alzheimer’s Association International Conference in Vancouver has concluded that as a person grows older, even moderate drinking can lead to greater risk of cognitive impairment and related health issues. The research…

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The Best Way for Seniors to Grow New Brain Cells

The Best Way for Seniors to Grow New Brain Cells

In her lab at King’s College London, neuroscientist Sandrine Thuret studies how new brain cells are created in the adult nervous system through a process called neurogenesis. This phenomenon is unique to the hippocampal region of the brain, an area that is involved in memory and mood. Through her research, Thuret hopes to discover how we create…

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Home Safety Tips for Seniors with Dementia

Home Safety for Elderly People with Dementia in Dallas, TX

Seniors with dementia do not always behave rationally and may run into unexpected dangers around the house. For this reason, they need Dallas caregivers in order to prevent them from injuring themselves or others. Consider implementing the following safety tips in your loved one’s home to ensure his or her wellbeing while managing dementia symptoms.…

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Dementia Care: Games that Stimulate Senior Cognition

Cognitive Games for Seniors with Dementia in Dallas, TX

Keeping the mind active is one of the best ways to slow the progression of cognitive decline among seniors, especially those who require dementia care in Dallas, TX. Since cognitive decline affects the brain by interfering with its ability communicate with other parts of the mind and body, different forms of cognitive stimulation are essential…

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