5 Ways to Manage Your Health as a Caregiver

Young Man Cycling Along Street To Work

Millions of people in the United States provide care for a senior loved one. More than half of caregivers report that the role affects their emotional, mental, and physical health. When caregivers endure stress for an extended length of time, they may experience burnout. Preventing the dilemma requires making their health a priority in the…

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How to Be an Outstanding Caregiver for Your Elderly Parent

Tips on Being a Great Caregiver to Your Senior Loved One in Dallas, TX

The way you treat your senior parent could boost his or her mood and lead to a better quality of life. You should always look for ways to make your loved one’s life more comfortable, even if it requires some major adjustments on your end. Here are some tips to help you be the best…

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How Caregivers Can Prevent Burnout

Caregiver Burned Out Prevention in Dallas, TX

Statistics indicate more than 34 million adults in the United States act as caregivers for older adults. More than 85 percent of caregivers report the job is stressful. If caregivers don’t take sufficient steps, stress turns into burnout, which can leave them emotionally, mentally, and physically exhausted to the point of being negative and unconcerned.…

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Caregiving: Why Is Routine Important?

Older woman wearing blue with her daughter in Dallas, TX

Quality Caregivers Prioritize Routine Predictable schedules are probably best for everyone, but this becomes especially true as we age.  Surely, you’ve heard someone say that humans are “creatures of habit?” Consistent schedules remind older adults of what’s ahead, bringing a sense of comfort to them. When someone suffers from dementia, daily structure and routine provided…

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Staying Active is Important at Any Age

Senior woman wearing pink doing yoga outside with a home care provider in Dallas, TX

Staying active is important at any age. We need regular physical activity to keep our balance, strength, and cardiovascular health. Physical activity also reduces the chance of chronic disease. We can all increase our health and vitality, regardless of age! Experts recommend 150 minutes or more of weekly exercise. Go slowly at first, and gradually…

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How Caregiver Burnout Damages Our Brains

Tired nurse with dark lighting in Dallas, TX

What does caregiver burnout mean? Can it be prevented? It’s not unusual to read about work-related stress and how it leads to burnout, as it has been studied and talked about often. There hasn’t been as much research specific to family caregiver burnout, yet it can also be stressful and may actually damage the brain,…

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April Is National Stress Awareness Month

What Caregivers Can Learn from Stress Awareness Month in Dallas, TX

In honor of Stress Awareness Month in April, Dallas senior care providers want family caregivers to be more familiar with signs of stress and how to manage it. This annual holiday has been dedicated to spreading the message about the dangers of stress and providing coping strategies since 1992. Stress Awareness Month is important because…

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3 Joys of Being a Family Caregiver

3 Joys of Becoming a Family Caregiver in Dallas, TX

Though being a caregiver can pose a range of challenges, most family caregivers find providing the live-in or hourly home care Dallas seniors need to be highly rewarding. If your senior loved one could use the assistance of a family caregiver, here are three reasons why senior care experts believe it could be worth it.…

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Melt Holiday Stress with These Caregiver Tips

How Caregivers Can Relieve Stress This Thanksgiving in Dallas, TX

Just anticipating holiday hustle and bustle can be a source of anxiety. Family caregivers in particular are susceptible to stress during the holiday season, a trusted provider of in-home care in Dallas have prepared the following tips to help family members ease the tension and enjoy some quality time with their loved ones. Simplify Holiday…

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