Balanced Care Method™


Watch the CNN video below to learn more about the centenarians in Okinawa who inspired this movement.

Because Health Span is as Important as Lifespan

The Balanced Care Method™ is based on the scientifically studied lifestyle choices of the longest — and healthiest — living population on Earth: the seniors in Okinawa, Japan. With Caregivers trained in The Balanced Care Method™, Home Care Assistance is the only senior care solution with an emphasis on healthy longevity and happiness with smart lifestyle choices. Our caregivers provide moderation and variety to our clients in the areas of nutrition, physical exercise, mental stimulation and sociability.

Balanced Care Method™

How our Pyramid works:

Home Care Assistance becomes your loved one’s foundation to longevity. Our caregivers are trained to provide support on the first two levels (ADLs and IADLs) of our Home Care Assistance Pyramid of healthy aging. Without this support, your loved one is worrying about survival and not truly living, shortening their life. By alleviating that worry, they are able to rise to the next three levels of the HCA Pyramid which is where Home Care Assistance is changing the way the world ages through our Balanced Care Method™.

The Balanced Care Method™ Promotes Smart Lifestyle Choices.

Diet: The Balanced Care Method™ encourages the healthiest possible diet while taking into account individual dietary preferences.

Physical and Mental Activity: The more active people are, the more active and healthier they are, the more likely to be in the future.

Purpose & Calm: Maintaining social ties, being around other people, pursuing favorite hobbies or finding new interests are part of a meaningful life. Our caregivers are ready to provide companionship, transportation and peace of mind to help seniors live to their maximum potential at any age.

Home Care Assistance Cares for the Whole Person

We understand the important connections between diet, exercise, mental challenge and social ties in reducing stress and creating an enjoyable life—at home and independent—for seniors. We train our caregivers in The Balanced Care Method™ to promote total health and independence for seniors, extending and enhancing their lives every step of the way. Call (469) 747-2208 today to find out more about how you or your loved one can benefit from The Balanced Care Method TM

The Home Care Assistance Advantage: Balanced Care Method™

  • Based on lifestyle of the longest living and healthiest people on Earth in Okinawa, Japan
  • Care-givers trained to implement its ideologies into their daily senior care.
  • Framework includes moderation and variety with an
    emphasis on

    • Healthy Diet
    • Physical Activity
    • Sharp Minds
    • Social Ties
    • Calmness and Purpose