Food Rules All Seniors Can Benefit From

While there’s something to be said for eating more raw veggies, reducing sugar intake, and avoiding starchy foods, it’s just as important for seniors to have a general idea of how to approach selecting foods and planning and preparing meals. Here are a few food rules you and your senior loved one can follow to get the most out of the daily joy of eating.
Reduce Portions & Eat More Often
Regardless of age, most people tend to nibble on things they shouldn’t be eating between meals. By reducing the size of portions at each meal, your loved one can eat more often while maintaining a healthy weight and reducing between-meal cravings. Consider using smaller plates (8-inch salad plates instead of 12-inch dinner plates) and serving the salad first so your loved one isn’t as hungry when dinner is served.
A professional caregiver with training in nutrition can be a wonderful source of information and encouragement as your loved one adopts new healthy habits, including eating more nutritious foods. Maintaining a high quality of life can be challenging for some seniors, but professional caregivers can help them attain this goal. Families can trust Dallas home care experts to help their elderly loved ones focus on lifestyle choices that increase the chances of living longer and healthier lives.
Drink More Water between Meals & Less Water during Meals
Many seniors have digestion issues, which may be compounded by drinking too much water during meals. Water dilutes digestive enzymes, making it more difficult to digest foods. By drinking more water between meals, seniors are still properly hydrated when mealtime comes around. Consider serving warm beverages during meals instead of cold drinks (herbal teas tend to be especially beneficial) to further aid with digestion.
Choose Colorful Seasonal Fruits & Veggies
There’s no sense in loading up on a bunch of greens that won’t be eaten beyond a few nibbles. If you go with colorful fruits and veggies that are in season, it’s a safe bet to assume your loved one will be getting all the nutrients he or she needs. At the same time, your parent will be enjoying a colorful plate that’s more appetizing. Consider making a habit of stopping at local farmers’ markets with your loved one—it’s an excuse to get out and mingle and a way for your loved one to choose fruits and veggies he or she actually likes.
While caring for a senior loved one is rewarding, family caregivers need to maintain a healthy lifestyle too, which involves self-care and making time to attend to their own wellbeing. In Dallas, respite care is a great help to many families. Caring for a senior loved one can be overwhelming at times, which puts family caregivers at risk for burnout. However, an in-home caregiver can take over your loved one’s care, allowing you the time you need to focus on your own health, maintain a full-time job, or care for other members of your family.
Eat at Regular Times
Some studies suggest eating at regular times boosts digestion. Sticking to a steady schedule also gives your loved one something to look forward to while serving as a natural way to break up the day. Consider getting your loved one involved with the menu planning, and be somewhat flexible when it comes to occasional meal requests that stray a little from his or her normal diet.
A professional caregiver can provide additional support for your loved one’s efforts to adopt a healthier way of eating. Not every senior has the same care needs, which means they don’t all need the same type of elder care. Dallas families can rely on Home Care Assistance to provide individualized care plans to meet their elderly loved ones’ unique care needs. Our holistic Balanced Care Method was designed to help seniors focus on healthy lifestyle habits such as eating nutritious foods, exercising regularly, and maintaining strong social ties, and our Cognitive Therapeutics Method offers mentally stimulating activities that can boost cognitive health and delay the onset of dementia. To learn about our quality-assured services, give us a call at (214) 363-3400 today.